• Korolchuk L . Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: sustainable development, greening of the economy, decoupling, innovative development, eco-innovation, green economy, benchmarking


Sustainable development is a new scenario of human development in today's conditions, when the planet suffers from the results of human activity, which for a long time was not limited by any framework for the scale of exploitation of natural resources and the size of negative environmental externalities. This concept envisages the development of a new world system, when the priority will not be economic growth, but the harmonious coexistence of economy and nature, and man in this synergetic union is the main innovator of production and consumer processes.

To ensure the effective implementation of the concept of sustainable development in practice on a global scale, its main theoretical and methodological provisions require further in-depth study.

In the article, using the method of analysis and synthesis in the study of the author's definitions of the concept of "sustainable development" identified and explored the conceptual basis of the sustainable development theory in order to ensure its effective application in global economic processes.

Thus, to the conceptual basis of the theory of sustainable development we propose to include: - greening the economy; - eco-innovative development; - global responsibility for the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development.

We consider, that the effectiveness of the concept of sustainable development will be determined by the presence of three conceptual frameworks, it will depend on the degree of greening of the economy, the level of their eco-innovation development and strengthening the global responsibility for practical results. However, we emphasize here the need to improve all the conceptual basis at the same time and ensure the permanence of the relationship between them. After all, the greening of the economy to a greater extent on a voluntary basis without effective innovation policy, as in our country, will not cause the desired qualitative transformation. On the other hand, the rapid development of the innovation sphere, as the experience of India shows, for objective reasons does not guarantee the solution of even internal environmental and social problems. And in the absence of global responsibility for practical results, the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in general loses its meaning, because the solution of global problems is not within the power of several countries, but only the consolidated world community.


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Author Biography

Korolchuk L . , Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Korolchuk L . (2020). CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THEORY. Economic Forum, 1(4), 14-22.