• Savosh L. Lutsk National Technical University
  • Kovalska L . Lutsk National Technical University
  • Baula O. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: world grain market, domestic grain market, agriculture, grain crops, sown area, grain export


This article examines Ukraine's position in the world grain market over the past 5 years. It is important to mention that Ukraine benefits from the most favorable conditions in the world for growing grain crops. The high potential of export in agriculture for international trade is determined by significant areas of high-quality lands and favorable climatic conditions. These drivers contribute to the relevance of the research topic of the current publication.

Studies indicate that the grain market of Ukraine is profoundly integrated into the world`s agricultural market. The share of grain production of Ukraine is around 3% in the total world grain production during 2015-2019. Besides, Ukraine is listed in the top ten countries of grain crop production. Regarding the export of grain crops, Ukraine`s share ranged from 10,7% to 13,6% during 2015-2019. Ukraine took a place among the top 5 export countries of grain crops in 2019.

The importance of Ukraine in the world grain market is deemed to be developing in the future due to the growing demand. In addition, the country has significant production potential, which was not yet implemented. This potential is determined by two key factors such as almost two times lower harvests of major grains comparing to other leading countries, and the highest fertility rates of the land worldwide. The principal areas for increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world grain market are the growth of grain production as well as an increase in the harvest. The last objective can be reached by attracting foreign investment to upgrade the material and technical base. Moreover, such factors as the improvement of the quality of grain along with the deepening process, optimization of land tenure and land use, further development of market infrastructure, rational state regulation, and overcoming corruption of the grain market could greatly contribute to the growth of the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world grain market.


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Author Biographies

Savosh L., Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Kovalska L ., Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Baula O. , Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Savosh L., Kovalska L ., & Baula O. (2020). ANALYSIS OF UKRAINE’S POSITION ON THE WORLD GRAIN MARKET. Economic Forum, 1(4), 37-44.