• Lisovska L. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: cooperation on innovations, technological innovations, cluster analysis, foreign partner


The main source of the country's economic growth in modern conditions is scientific knowledge and the processes of their expanded production and commercial use. Today, the innovative development of the country in general and the activation of innovation activities in particular depend on the relationships and interaction between the subjects of the economic mechanism for the production of competitive high-tech innovative products (state - science-business). Domestic subjects do not actively cooperate with other interested parties when implementing innovative activities.

The solution of the outlined problems requires the formation of a productive mechanism of cooperation between universities, business and the state, which will increase the effectiveness of innovation processes and develop tools for establishing interaction at different levels of government and between different regions and countries.

To determine the problems of partnership development, we used data from the statistical collection "Regions of Ukraine" for 2008-2018, the official website of the State statistics service of Ukraine, and the official websites of regional state administrations of regions of Ukraine.

The article examines the results of research on differentiation of innovation activity of industrial enterprises based on the study of indicators of development of cooperation on innovation issues. Cluster analysis was used for the research, in particular, the tools of isomorphic distribution and the method of balls. The objects of observation are the regions of Ukraine and the activities of industrial enterprises that introduced technological innovations. For the cluster analysis, indicators with innovative activity were selected based on the location of partners (countries in Europe, the United States, China and India, and other countries) during 2008/2020.

The systematization of regions of Ukraine by indicators of cooperation of enterprises with foreign partners during the specified period was carried out and the asymmetry and disproportionality of the development of interaction systems in the regional dimension was proved.

The results of clustering should become information support for monitoring the effectiveness of innovation processes in the national innovation ecosystem, their research to identify patterns of changes in their characteristics in various economic and social conditions, and reasonable conclusions and proposals should be used as the basis for the formation of regional innovation policy and innovation policy of economic entities.


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Author Biography

Lisovska L. , Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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