• Shmatkovska T. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Podzizei O. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: UTC, efficiency, competitiveness, sustainability, decentralization


Peculiarities of ensuring the competitiveness of united territorial communities, of course, have their own specifics in terms of influencing its formation from the gods of administrative bodies of public administration. On the other hand, competitiveness cannot be considered as a separate indicator or characteristic, as it is inherently dynamic. By analogy with the commodity market, it can be argued that any product or service at a certain stage of its life cycle has a certain level of competitiveness relative to other goods or services, but over time with constant characteristics of the product, its competitiveness is lost because the market new, more advanced analogues become available. Thus, ensuring competitiveness at the enterprise level requires constant improvement of products in order to improve its characteristics to ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness.

UTC that have a certain set of resources and level of infrastructure at their disposal can be quite competitive over a period of time. However, if local communities do not agree to continue the process of improving their operating conditions, they may also face the problem of non-compliance, which may affect, for example, the outflow of investors.

The article considers the modern features of the formation of a strategy to increase the competitiveness of the united territorial communities. The specifics of forming models of competitiveness increase are considered, the main factors that determine the competitive position of united territorial communities in the system of administrative and economic development of the region are identified, which include: ensuring the efficiency of local governments, effective system of state regional management, , innovations, ecology and stimulation of investment activity. Based on the analysis, a model of ensuring the competitiveness of UTC has been developed. The stages of the process of implementation of the strategy of increasing the competitiveness of territorial communities are determined.


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Author Biographies

Shmatkovska T., Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Podzizei O., Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD student


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