• Zhukov S. State University «Uzhhorod National University»
Keywords: ecological evolution of marketing, ecological marketing, green marketing, sustainable marketing


This article is devoted to the study of the ecological evolution of marketing, analysis of development and the relationship between the various stages – environmental marketing, green marketing and sustainable marketing. The presented research is a scientific research aimed at establishing the impact of marketing on the environment and human health, during which it is proposed to present the ecological evolution of marketing in three successive stages: environmental marketing; green marketing; sustainable marketing. From the given conceptual categories ecological marketing prevails in researches of the Ukrainian and domestic scientists, and green marketing is more used concept among scientists in the world.

The first – the environmental concept of marketing is characterized by unpopularity among businesses, because greening leads to additional costs and, consequently, higher prices. This explains the weak initiative and innovation in the direction of environmental management. The main pushers of the environmental direction at the enterprises are engineers and lawyers, some of whom improve production, and others – adapt it to environmental legal norms and standards.

Green marketing - the second stage – has already affected more of those industries whose companies pay attention to the impact of their activities on the environment through the use of innovative and more environmentally friendly industries. As a result, the needs (demand) of environmentally oriented consumers in household goods and services are met.

The third stage – sustainable marketing, of course, is identified with the concept of sustainable development, and aims to meet consumer needs and provide markets with resources that offset all costs associated with environmental protection and the formation of a balanced socio-social and environmental-economic systems.

For modern marketing at the enterprise the concept of construction of three components of business which considers besides profit, also social and ecological planes of functioning of the enterprise is actual.


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Author Biography

Zhukov S., State University «Uzhhorod National University»

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Senior Researcher,

Associate Professor, Professor of the department of

Business Administration, Marketing and Management


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How to Cite
Zhukov S. (2020). ECOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF MARKETING. Economic Forum, 1(4), 86-92.