• Melnyk A. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
  • Soloviova T. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Keywords: salary fund, salary, basic salary, additional salary, compensation and other incentive payments, enterprise, employee


The basis of the effective functioning of each enterprise is the workforce. The peculiarity of this resource is its price, which should be correctly calculated when forming a salary fund. The payroll is an integral part of the company's expenses, so its formation is particularly relevant and causes significant controversy. On the one hand, the entrepreneur wants to get the maximum profit from its activities, while seeking to reduce the main item of expenditure is - the payroll, but at the same time seeks to stimulate staff to increase productivity and productivity. Therefore, the process of forming a salary fund requires increased attention and maximum analysis. The analysis of the wage fund involves the implementation of the following stages: determining the size and dynamics of the average wage of certain categories and occupations of workers, detection of deviations in the number of employees and in the average salary at the expense of the salary fund, study of the effectiveness of the applied bonus systems, study of wage growth rates, their relationship with productivity rates, ensuring outpacing growth of labor productivity compared to increasing its pay, identification and mobilization of reserves to increase the efficiency of the salary fund [6].

The article considers the role of the salary fund for the employee and the employer. The historical preconditions for the formation of the wage fund and the views of domestic scientists on its importance are analyzed. The structure of the wage fund on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On Remuneration of Labor" is studied, on the basis of this structure is reflected in terms of agriculture and industry for the first and second quarters of 2020. Factors influencing the formation of the wage fund are identified. The main directions of improvement of the process of formation of the salary fund at the enterprise are allocated.


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Author Biographies

Melnyk A., Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Associate Professor of Economics, Professor

Soloviova T., Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

correspondence student  of the educational degree "Master" Specialty 051 Economics


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How to Cite
Melnyk A., & Soloviova T. (2020). FORMATION OF THE SALARY FUND AT THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Forum, 1(4), 114-124.