• Sazonova T. Poltava State Agrarian Academy
  • Potapiuk I. Poltava State Agrarian Academy
  • Shapoval V. Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Keywords: corporate culture, non-profit organizations, values, norms, behavior, personnel, management


Modern management considers organizational culture as a powerful strategic tool that allows you to focus all departments and employees on common goals. Corporate culture forms and manifests itself in the values and norms that determine the behavior of staff; in the atmosphere and socio-psychological climate in the team; in the image of the organization. Corporate culture makes each organization unique and individual, creates its competitive advantages in the market of goods and services. The specificity of organizational culture is determined by its carriers and the scope of the organization.

The article considers the features of the formed corporate cultures of non-profit medical enterprises. Attributes of corporate culture of non-profit enterprises are characterized: samples of fundamental assumptions, values, symbols. The communal medical enterprises of Poltava region are investigated concerning the peculiarities of functioning, the types of corporate cultures formed in them.  In particular, the predominance of bureaucratic type of culture or culture of control was revealed.  The formal orientation of corporate cultures of the studied enterprises has a positive and effective vector. But the formal articulation of the postulates of corporate culture is not a guarantee of their «work». Without moderate management, focused on the development, implementation and maintenance of corporate culture, without its acceptance by staff at all levels - the guidelines and measures developed within the individual corporate culture will not work. We have formed proposals for the mechanism of formation and / or reorganization of corporate cultures of modern enterprises.  To implement measures for the formation and / or development of organizational culture of a non-profit medical institution, it is advisable to act in stages, as correctly and accurately as possible formulating the content of each stage. All desired improvements should be formulated in the form of a certain philosophy, which is ready to accept the majority of staff. The application of the proposed algorithm for the formation of organizational culture in everyday activities can create objective opportunities to achieve strategic goals, key performance indicators, planned development targets and fulfillment of the organization's tasks defined by the statute in the near future.


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Author Biographies

Sazonova T. , Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Potapiuk I. , Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Shapoval V., Poltava State Agrarian Academy



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How to Cite
Sazonova T., Potapiuk I., & Shapoval V. (2020). THE ROLE OF CORPORATE CULTURE IN THE MODERN ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Forum, 1(4), 138-144.