Legal nature and features of the system of international financial law

  • Gorbach L.M. Volyn Institute named after V. Lypynsky PJSC "VAZ" MAUP "
  • Kadebskaya E.V. Volyn Institute named after V. Lypynsky PJSC "VAZ" MAUP "
Keywords: Key words: international financial law, international financial relations, international treaty, international custom.


The article deals with the development of scientific approaches to the definition of the essence of international financial law, its legal basis. The peculiarities of the subject of legal regulation of international financial law are found out. The correlation of international financial law with international public and private international law is analyzed. Conclusions about the complexe generalized norms regulating international financial relations are made.


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How to Cite
Gorbach L.M., & Kadebskaya E.V. (2019). Legal nature and features of the system of international financial law. Economic Forum, 1(2), 13-18. Retrieved from