• Dmytro Filiuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Mykola Dziamulych Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: land, land market, land resources, agricultural sector, agricultural enterprises.


The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of land resources market formation in Ukraine in the conditions of systemic transformation of land relations in the aspect of approval of private land ownership and related formation of a full-fledged land market. The main focus of the study is on the specifics of the process of market formation of agricultural land in terms of resource dominance of large agricultural holdings, as potential buyers of land and key players in the market. The necessity of long-term forecasting of the development of lands belonging to agricultural producers has been actualized and the special need for them to invest in land resources in order to increase the efficiency of their use has been identified. The priority directions of development of the land resources market of Ukraine in the conditions of the general transformation of land relations and the related changes in the economic activity of the enterprises of the agricultural sector are determined. It is determined that the specifics of the formation of the land market in Ukraine lies in the peculiarities of the long process of approval of private ownership of land, including - agricultural land. At the same time, since the final completion of these processes, which took place last year, provides ample opportunities for investors to buy and sell land resources, the logical consequence of this is the formation of a market for land in the agricultural sector. At the same time, due to certain imperfections in the existing forms and methods of agricultural land use, which also existed until now, there is an objective need to form an effective and functional infrastructure of the land market, including financial and legal institutions that accompany the process of buying and selling land resources. Based on this, it is determined that the development of the land market in Ukraine should be in accordance with the rules and regulations established by law, but its effectiveness depends on ensuring perfect market relations in this area, which stimulates the overall development of the agricultural land market in the future.


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Author Biographies

Dmytro Filiuk, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Postgraduate student

Mykola Dziamulych, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Dmytro Filiuk, & Mykola Dziamulych. (2022). FORMATION OF THE LAND RESOURCES MARKET IN UKRAINE. Economic Forum, 1(3), 9-14.