• Olha Boiko Lutsk National Technical University
  • Valentyna Morokhova Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: advertising, advertising activity, advertising management, functional areas of advertising management, advertising strategy, advertising and communication market, effectiveness of advertising activity.


The article examines the functional spheres of advertising management of enterprises and forms directions for improving the process of managing advertising activities. It has been proven that the rapid development of the advertising market necessitates forecasting its future trends and quick adaptation to them. The functional system of advertising management is presented and considered according to the following components: advertising market research, development of strategy and tactics of advertising activity, formation of an advertising campaign plan and organization of its implementation, evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising management. At the same time, advertising must fulfill three tasks: attract the attention of potential consumers, evoke a positive attitude towards the company and its products, provide convincing arguments in favor of the consumer's choice of these products, and generally ensure effective functioning in a specific market segment. It is argued that advertising market research is the basis for the development of an advertising campaign plan and the justification of an advertising strategy and should include the following aspects of advertising communication: research on consumption and consumer motivations, rating studies of the audience of media carriers, the study of the experience of conducting advertising campaigns, and monitoring studies of advertising. The essence and stages of the formation of the company’s advertising strategy are revealed. The main task of media planning is to optimize the placement of advertising materials. Approaches to determining the budget for advertising activity are summarized and the priority of analytical methods that take into account cause-and-effect relationships in advertising activity is emphasized. The peculiarities of communicative and economic effectiveness of advertising activity are considered and the main factors of its success are highlighted. It is emphasized the need for further research to solve the problems of finding new approaches to optimizing the process of strategic planning of advertising activities.


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Author Biographies

Olha Boiko, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Valentyna Morokhova, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
Olha Boiko, & Valentyna Morokhova. (2022). FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Economic Forum, 1(3), 39-44.