• Bitov Vasyl Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
  • Horbach Ludmila Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
  • Kotliarov Valerii Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
Keywords: production, exchange, distribution, consumption, consumer goods, management of production processes, efficiency, profit, profitability, business activity


Currently, the creation of consumer goods that are desperately needed by each of us is the main task and goal of production.  After all, it is known that the main driving force of human activity is the satisfaction of its own needs, and humanity meets its needs through goods and services that are created as a result of production. As for the basic essence of production, it should be emphasized that production today is not only a process of creating goods needed to meet various human needs, but also the reproduction of human life itself, as it provides the necessary means of their physical existence, as well as the possibility of development and realization of human abilities.

Thus, trade plays a rather large role in the economy of the state, because the sales market is an extremely important issue, because only products sold at reasonable prices bring profit.

In this publication we want to show the economic content of production, which is the main source in creating the country's wealth and income generation and the corresponding welfare of the population.

The scientific article considers the role, significance and effectiveness of an extremely important issue, namely the development of economic processes in all sectors of economic entities, which are provided by production, and accordingly its management, humanity has not yet invented another, because any necessary well-being in itself is not to come.   It is the study of economic growth in each sector of the economy is explained by the production, its efficiency, careful and rational use of all necessary resources, which prevents some misconceptions that occur in some interpretations that in creating wealth and income the crucial role trade plays. After all, everyone knows the truth that the distribution and consumption of goods created in society occurs only after their creation in the production process. The issue of organizational forms of production, which provide for a certain correspondence in the distribution of people's labor and their management, as well as specific more productive use of the available means of production, which ultimately ensures the efficiency of production processes, is also revealed. The practical experience of implementing production organization based on the principles of specialized forms in individual enterprises of the Volyn region is also shown.

This article reflects individual recommendations based on the study and analysis of the issue of the structure of production, the indicators of which indicate that in recent years the share in the creation of the gross domestic product of the sphere of material production in the sector of the state economy amounted to more than 60%, and the indicators formed in in the sphere of the tertiary sector of the economy, that is, in the sphere of services, they make up about 30%. 

As we know, tertiary production is a derivative of primary and secondary production, that is, let's say that primary production is based on direct primary production in the branches of the national economy, and secondary production covers mainly the manufacturing industries that create the goods and means of production necessary for society without which no production is possible at all.


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Author Biographies

Bitov Vasyl, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor 0000-0002-5828

Horbach Ludmila, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor 0000-0002-5977-6474                                                                                                                        

Kotliarov Valerii, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor 0000-0002-2291-3199                                                                                                                                               


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How to Cite
Bitov Vasyl, Horbach Ludmila, & Kotliarov Valerii. (2022). PRODUCTION AS THE MAIN SOURCE OF CONSUMER GOODS TO SOCIETY IN THE CURRENT ENVIRONMENT. Economic Forum, 1(3), 138-144.