• Igor Kryvovyazyuk Lutsk National Technical University
  • Nadiia Kovalchuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: economic theory, managerial innovation, scientific concept, basic principles of managerial innovation theory, management of technology


The peculiarities of forming managerial innovation theory are disclosed for the first time in this article. The main purpose of the research is to determine the scientific foundations, main principles and the place of the theory of managerial innovation in the system of modern scientific concepts. A critical analysis of literary sources and approaches of modern scientists to solving the issues of increasing the efficiency of management activity based on the introduction of new methods, means and ways, techniques of management is made. It shows their individual disclosure in separate modern scientific concepts, while the holistic disclosure of the most important conceptual principles of the theory of managerial innovation has been neglected. The relevance of solving the presented scientific problem lies in the need for forming of a special integrative science, which is designed to reveal numerous regularities inherent to various economic processes and phenomena, reveals the relationship with the development of society as a whole, determining the target direction, principles and methods of improving management activities at different levels of management and also reveals a close connection with a set of important scientific and practical tasks related to modern scientific concepts. The methodological basis of the research is a system of the following methods: generalization and synthesis – to determine the essence of managerial innovation as a science; abstract-logical – to reveal the interrelationship of such components of managerial innovation as management, innovation and technology; analysis and synthesis – when revealing the main principles and establishing the place of managerial innovation theory in the system of modern scientific concepts. The object of the research is the study of the interaction of methods, means and techniques of management in various spheres of functioning of economic processes. The article presents the results of the application of general scientific research methods for the formation of the newest direction of modern theory – managerial innovation. The results of the study can be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers and managers at various levels of economy management.


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Author Biographies

Igor Kryvovyazyuk, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Nadiia Kovalchuk, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph. D. in Economics, Associate


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How to Cite
Igor Kryvovyazyuk, & Nadiia Kovalchuk. (2022). FORMING MANAGERIAL INNOVATION THEORY IN THE SYSTEM OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS. Economic Forum, 1(3), 145-152.