• Mykola Dziamulych Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: social economy, social insurance, social policy, social protection, principles of social economy.


The article examines the modem features of the functioning of the social insurance system in Ukraine as an element of the social economy in the conditions of global economic transformations, as well as under the influence of new challenges and threats to the socio-economic situation of society under the influence of Russian aggression against our state. It was determined that the social economy, as a complex system, includes a number of structural elements, each of which functions within the general policy of socio-economic development and the formation of a strong social policy of the state. One of the key elements of such a system is social insurance, as a specific and effective way of ensuring the implementation of social guarantees of the population. It was determined that at present there is an objective need to form a single effective social policy of the state regarding all aspects of the population's life to ensure a high level of quality of life, which is possible only if all structural elements of the social economy are effectively combined into a single mechanism for ensuring the socio-economic development of the country . In this aspect, it has been proven that the study of the key directions of the implementation of the social policy of the state is not only the differentiation of the tools for providing social guarantees, but also the formation of effective mechanisms for its application in practice. A specific feature of ensuring the high efficiency of social policy is the need for effective structural elements of such a system. That is why, considering social insurance as one of the key components of the country's social economy in general, it becomes possible to use it as a special tool of social policy in the field of providing social guarantees. It has been proven that the effectiveness of the social insurance system is significantly dependent on the level of interaction of the main subjects involved in this system - the state, employers and employees. At the same time, the strict state legislative and regulatory regulation of the activities of social insurance funds provides the possibility of effective control over the formation and distribution of funds that are directed to this system. It was determined that the main advantage of social insurance over the social protection system is precisely the interaction of its subjects, on the basis of which the objective need of specific individuals to finance their needs to ensure the quality of life is determined. And also the activity of social insurance funds, which is under the joint control of three interested parties, allows to ensure a flexible response of such a system to the challenges and threats of today, provided that the effective functioning of its financial component is ensured.


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Author Biography

Mykola Dziamulych, Lutsk National Technical University

Mykola Dziamulych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Lutsk National Technical University



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How to Cite
Dziamulych, M. (2022). SOCIAL INSURANCE AS AN ELEMENT OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY IN UKRAINE. Economic Forum, 1(4), 3-8.