• Viktoria Dorosh Lutsk National Technical University
  • Alla Moskovchuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: social sphere, social sphere infrastructure, social and cultural infrastructure, social and household infrastructure


The article is devoted to the identification of the components of the infrastructure of the social sphere, the purpose of which is to ensure the full and comprehensive development of a person through creation of complex of life benefits necessary for the expanded reproduction of the workforce.
The theoretical basis of the conducted research was the scientific works of leading domestic scientists on the formation of social sphere infrastructure.
The article states that the social infrastructure is a complex of industries that are directly related to the creation of general conditions for the reproduction of the labor force and ensuring the normal life of people. This area covers education, health care, housing and communal services, passenger transport and communication, culture, household services.
The conducted research showed that scientists highlight certain aspects of distinguishing the components of the infrastructure of the social sphere: 1) social infrastructure is divided into social-household infrastructure and socio-cultural infrastructure. The social-household infrastructure is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the reproduction of human resources through the living environment, meeting their needs through proper living conditions, and the socio-cultural infrastructure - contributes to the reproduction of the spiritual, intellectual and, to a large extent, the physical properties of an individual, his formation as an economically active individual, that meets certain requirements of society for the quality of the workforce; 2) the infrastructure of the social sphere can have both a «linear» and a «point» structure. Linear infrastructure is formed on the basis of a network of railways, highways, communications, power lines, etc., and point infrastructure includes the objects themselves, in particular, schools, hospitals, theaters, etc.; 3) the infrastructure of the social sphere includes a functional and territorial component. The functional component reflects the composition and ratio of groups of objects that perform certain functions in the economic complex, and the territorial structure refers to various forms of spatial concentration of objects and their territorial associations.
The article systematizes the objects of infrastructure in relation to the components of the social-household and socio-cultural infrastructure of the social sphere, its main components are defined: the subject is a person or a group of persons who have an active role in a specific process; object - a separate unit of economic purpose; a service is a product of the activity of economic entities, which is expressed in a useful effect - the satisfaction of the subject’s needs.
The results of the study can be useful in the process of developing scientifically based recommendations regarding the formation of the infrastructure of the social sphere of the regions of Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Viktoria Dorosh, Lutsk National Technical University

Viktoriia Dorosh, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor https://orcid.ors/0000-0002-4111-9337

Alla Moskovchuk, Lutsk National Technical University

Alla Moskovchuk, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lutsk National Technical University https://orcicl.ors/0000-0002-8355-0846


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How to Cite
Dorosh, V., & Moskovchuk, A. (2022). JUSTIFICATION OF THE PARADIGM FOR THE FORMATION OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE SOCIAL SPHERE IN UKRAINE. Economic Forum, 1(4), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2308-8559-2022-4-2