• Volodymyr Savchenko PavloTychynaUman State Pedagogical University
  • Oleh Makliuk Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Keywords: potential, region., demography, financial security, human development, economy, theory, labor potential, region, threats


The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical provisions and generalizations of the situation in Ukraine regarding the demographic situation and financial security, their interrelationship and mutual influence, the development of measures to stabilize the quantitative and qualitative indicators of demography, human capital and financial security.
The methodological basis of the presented material is the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization, economic and statistical, special methods of financial, economic and demographic direction.
The article provides the factors of the connection between the development of the state and the quantitative characteristics of human potential, as well as, as guidelines, the creation of conditions for the expanded reproduction of the population, protection of its health, and the development of each person as a modern personality.
It is noted that economists study the relations of people regarding the production, distribution and use of material goods and services, while demography examines and investigates the processes related to population. A historical excursion is provided regarding the term "demography" and its development and features at various stages. The state of demographic processes and quantitative characteristics of the population on the territory of modern Ukraine in different periods and under different circumstances of its development arc analyzed.
It is indicated that at the current stage in the state a phase of demographic transition has formed with the type of population reproduction characteristic of countries during the war years: high depopulation, excessive mortality, critically low birth rate. It is emphasized that human development aims at a long and healthy life of people, access to resources, including financial, safe internal and external living conditions. It is proven that demographic and human development, overcoming the crisis arc impossible without an effectively functioning financial mechanism for eliminating financial security risks. The most acute and significant demographic problems of our country arc considered: high level of aging; low birth rate; temporary loss of part of the territories due to military aggression; external labor migration; low level of health and medical care; premature mortality of the male population; the practical absence of a middle class and the poverty of the main part of those living in cities and villages; uncertainty about tomorrow; lack of work by profession. It is proposed to define economic geography as a science, the subject of which is economic-geographic interrelationships, and the object is the conditioning of the demographic sphere of life by the economic sphere.
It is emphasized that according to Article 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the state guarantees its citizens financial security at a sufficient level, including: the growth and coverage of previously non-commercial types of commodity-monetary relations; increase in demand for financial resources; formation of the global financial market; development of technologies and means of communication.
Attention is focused on the need to increase people's financial literacy, which will contribute to strengthening their trust in financial measures and support for positive innovations. Examples of regional differences in the demographic and financial components of the country's development arc considered and summarized: different population density in regional and district dimensions; undeveloped entrepreneurship in rural areas; unsatisfactory labor markets in territories where there arc disparities between the spheres of use of female and male labor, agricultural and mountainous regions in the west of the country, in areas where resources arc exhausted and enterprises and mines arc closing; financial insufficiency of the majority of united territorial communities; stable migration from depressed regions to large cities is observed. The situation in the Donetsk economic district is analyzed, where the situation is particularly difficult due to the temporary occupation of a large part of it. The economic and demographic condition of the Chernihiv region taken separately as a small number and crisis in the financial and economic aspect arc clarified. Made and reasoned conclusions regarding all considered issues and problematic situations.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Savchenko, PavloTychynaUman State Pedagogical University

Volodymyr Savchenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor PavloTychynaUman State Pedagogical University https://orcid.orп/0000-0001-7637-2124

Oleh Makliuk, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Oleh Makliuk, Lecturer Chernihiv Institute named after Heroes of Kruty PJSC Private Joint-Stock Company «Higher education institution «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management»


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