Keywords: direct investments, European investors, investor behavior, war in Ukraine, investment activity


The article analyzes the behavior of European investors during the war in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the investment behavior of foreign, in particular, European investors during the war in Ukraine, starting from the period of the so-called "hybrid" war and until the end of the first year of the open full-scale invasion. This will make it possible to develop further strategies for the continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the period of post-war reconstruction. The urgency of solving this scientific problem is explained by the need to increase the volume of direct foreign investments, despite the preservation of significant political and economic risks during the war in Ukraine. The object of the study is the behavior of European investors during the war in Ukraine. The article analyzes changes in the amount of direct investment in Ukraine by groups of countries during the war, as well as the ranking of European countries by the total amount of direct investment in Ukraine. It was concluded that at the initial stage of the war in Ukraine (hybrid war for separate annexed territories), foreign investors assessed the situation in Ukraine in a pessimistic scenario, which led to an outflow of direct investment in 2015 both in general and from European countries, which had negative consequences for the economic development of Ukraine. After the start of a full-scale war in 2022, despite relatively greater political and economic risks, foreign investors began to have more confidence in Ukraine as a state in general and business entities in particular. Therefore, the decrease in the amount of direct foreign investment was comparatively smaller than in 2015. The continuation of a full-scale war will not allow to reduce the economic risks for foreign investors and to quickly restore the lost volumes of foreign direct investments, but there will be a positive trend towards their growth.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Shubalyi, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
Oleksandr Shubalyi. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE BEHAVIOR OF EUROPEAN INVESTORS DURING THE WAR IN UKRAINE. Economic Forum, 1(4), 50-55.