Keywords: logistics, logistics activities, business processes, entrepreneurship, enterprise, value, profit


The article substantiates the role and importance of logistics business processes in entrepreneurship. It is noted that any logistics business process is aimed at creating value for customers (consumers of products), the value chain, and the mechanism for transforming enterprise resources into income. A review of existing approaches to the content of the concept of „logistics business process” of enterprise is carried out. The carried out literature review allowed to allocate two main approaches to the content of the concept of logistics business process: logistics business process is a way of creating value for the enterprise (from the client's side, consumer satisfaction with product quality, delivery quality, logistics service quality, logistics service quality); logistics business process is a method and way of doing business that allows the enterprise to maintain a strong position in the market environment and receive a stable profit. It is proved that the main options for applying the logistics business processes of an enterprise are: assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise's logistics activities; assessment of the logistics potential (logistics capacities) of an enterprise; optimisation of logistics business processes in terms of creating value for the customer. It is substantiated that the implementation of logistics business processes allows to assess the efficiency of the enterprise's logistics activities, to identify problems in the supply of raw materials and materials, storage of goods, production of products; to evaluate the logistic capacities of the enterprise and the efficiency of their use; as well as optimize main/support logistics business processes, improve logistics operations and logistics functions. The article considers approaches to the types of logistics business processes at an enterprise. The authors propose the following types of logistics business processes: material and technical supply (supply logistics); warehousing of raw materials and finished products (warehouse logistics); production logistics; sales logistics; transport logistics.


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Author Biographies

Kovalska Liubov, Lutsk National Technical University

D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of  Department of Business and Law



Barskyi Yurii, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of  Department of geography



Onishchuk Vladyslav, Lutsk National Technical University

graduate student



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How to Cite
Kovalska Liubov, Barskyi Yurii, & Onishchuk Vladyslav. (2023). LOGISTICS BUSINESS PROCESSES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ESSENCE AND TYPES. Economic Forum, 1(4), 118-124. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2308-8559-2023-4-15