• Valentyna Morokhova Lutsk National Technical University
  • Olha Boiko Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: marketing concept of enterprise management, marketing tools, marketing technologies, small business, marketing organization of small enterprises, small business development.


The article examines the peculiarities of marketing support for the activities of small business enterprises. It has been established that the most important factor in the successful functioning and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic enterprises is the use of a marketing management concept, which orients manufacturers to respond promptly to the needs of consumers and satisfy them more effectively compared to competitors. The task of expanding the means of marketing policy implementation, taking into account the specifics of small business enterprises and the current state of the external environment, has been determined. The systematization of literary sources proved that the development of small enterprises contributes to economic growth, saturation of the market with the necessary quality goods, creation of new jobs and solving of economic and social problems. Research on changing the conditions of functioning of small enterprises is summarized and three main directions of their development are highlighted: marketing as the basis of management thinking, marketing as a management function and marketing as a set of specialized tools. The main reason for insufficient marketing efforts of small businesses is the limited budget and other resources that can be used in the management of marketing activities. Low-budget marketing tools, which are a priority for small businesses, are presented and considered to improve the efficiency of small business enterprises. It is argued that "guerrilla marketing" is an economically effective component of the marketing strategy and contributes to the reduction of product promotion costs thanks to the use of non-standard advertising methods. Research has shown: the main features of marketing management of small business enterprises are limited resources and marketing functions, emphasis on competition, creativity and development of individual offers for customers. According to the authors, special attention should be paid to the issue of organizing marketing activities at small enterprises, as it allows them to establish and maintain effective contacts with their customers at minimal costs. The formation of an effective marketing strategy and tactics based on the latest marketing concepts and technologies is defined as the main direction of rapid adaptation of small business enterprises to changes in the external environment.


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Author Biographies

Valentyna Morokhova, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Olha Boiko, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Valentyna Morokhova, & Olha Boiko. (2024). MARKETING SUPPORT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Economic Forum, 1(4), 56-61.